
Friendasy Community Guidelines

At Friendasy, we are dedicated to fostering a welcoming and respectful environment where users can make meaningful connections. These guidelines are designed to help ensure that everyone can enjoy their experience safely and positively.

1. Be Respectful

Treat others with kindness and respect. Discrimination, harassment, or abusive behavior based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or other personal characteristics will not be tolerated. Everyone deserves a positive and inclusive experience.

2. No Inappropriate Content

Friendasy prohibits the sharing of explicit, pornographic, or otherwise inappropriate content. This includes, but is not limited to, sexually explicit material, graphic violence, or content that is otherwise unsuitable for a general audience.

3. No Hate Speech or Bullying

We are committed to maintaining a hate-free environment. Hate speech, threats, or bullying based on race, ethnicity, gender, disability, religion, or sexual orientation are strictly forbidden. Users violating this rule may face immediate suspension or removal from the platform.

4. Keep It Safe

The safety of our users is paramount. Do not engage in or promote any illegal activity, including but not limited to sharing illegal content, promoting self-harm, or making threats of violence.

5. Respect Privacy

Do not share private information about yourself or others without consent. This includes contact details, personal conversations, and sensitive information. Be mindful of your own privacy and the privacy of others.

6. No Spam or Misleading Content

Friendasy is a space for genuine connections. Do not post spam, scams, or any misleading content designed to deceive or exploit others. Fake accounts and misrepresentation are also prohibited.

7. Moderation and Reporting

Friendasy is moderated 24/7 to ensure these guidelines are followed. If you encounter content or behavior that violates these guidelines, please report it. Our team will review and take appropriate action.

8. Consequences for Violations

Violating these guidelines may result in warnings, content removal, account suspension, or permanent banning from Friendasy. Repeated or severe violations will lead to more serious consequences.

9. Updates and Changes

Our community guidelines may evolve as Friendasy grows. We will notify users of any significant updates, and by continuing to use the platform, you agree to follow the most recent guidelines.